Hello all you Petal/Pedal peddlers! As Modish prepares for changes, P+P must also change, and with that today I say farewell. Before the heat wave hit, we the stewards of Sweet Haven Homestead were working on a greenhouse. I'd hoped to have it finished before today, but ... well, the heat and humidity of the southeast will take the motivation out of anyone.
We followed Adam Fyall's instructions (as well as some tips from Eliot Coleman and Farm in My Pocket) and bought most of the materials from a farm supply hardware store. The poly for the cover came from a greenhouse supply website (this is what we got). Charlie and Mabel followed Adam's directions with few modifications, the cool thing about his instructions are that he used his design for a few seasons and went back and adjusted his design and instructions--he's has already done most of the mistake-making legwork!
With a relatively small investment for a greenhouse I now have a place to keep me gardening through the winter!
If you can believe it, I'm fighting back a few tears as I type this last post. Knowing Modish will grow and fluorish as an even more extraordinary blog is keeping my tears at bay. Thank you Jena, for having me here, and thank you readers for making me feel welcome. Keep on growing!
I hope you'll check in with me at Wolfie and the Sneak and (my blog) every once in a while to see what I'm up to and to say hi. I'd love to hear what you're growing, too!
Renee Garner has a passion to make things grow, although her brownish thumb wants her to believe otherwise. When mud pies aren't on the menu, you can find her doodling the days away at Wolfie and the Sneak.