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Apr 16, 2010



love this post, renee! i wish i had known you were coveting them b/c i just got rid of a few during my last move. =(


aw man, so close!


look in thrift shops for those vintage cheese platter glass domes...i've used those before for seedlings.


The "Victorian replica cloches like they use in Colonial Williamsburg (as captured by Duo de Hale) (b)" photo was taken in the garden where my Dad works as a Garden Historian :)


Oh man, I love the look of cloches. They always have a few in my neighborhood garden shops, but I can never justify the price. Guess I just need to learn how to blow glass!


Good idea!


Oh man, I love the look of cloches. They always have a few in my neighborhood garden shops, but I can never justify the price. Guess I just need to learn how to blow glass!


Ummm, ok so now you're required to bring your dad to the handmade market for a talk/demonstration!

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