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Jun 23, 2008


cindy k

it's really lovely.


Love the paiting you your creating room! Where did you get them? Everything is lovly!!!

cloud9 design

One of my faves on Etsy! Nice craft room! wow! Love the calming wall color!


Miguel- I believe most of the paintings in the room are her own! You can find many in her shop- she's a talented lady! :)


Beautiful space! I can see where her inspiration comes from. Great feature!

karin Grow

Thanks so much Jena! You did an amazing job as usual. I love reading all your articles. Karin

Paper Girl Productions

What beautiful space! Fantastic feature!


Lovely! I want to put a pitch in for Karin's candles... IZ purchased one for Valentine's Day... and it was AMAZING. Really lovely scent!


This candle: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=11455458

Holy cow, Jena... it's amazing. So, so, lovely.

The Ardent Thread

I feel inspired just looking at that room! And I want to go shopping now... :)

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