Monday's are a little better when you get to feel inspired by a beautiful space like that of Karin Grow! Her island inspired creations are reflected in the cool blue walls and relaxing vibe of her workspace- let's take a closer look!
What do you create in this space?
On any given day, you will find me in here painting, making
jewelry or greeting cards, and I just recently started to sew. I also
have made candles for the past 15 years, but I do all of that in the
garage because of the mess.
Where is it located?
is a room in my house that I transformed into my art studio/office. I
really wanted a space where I could be surrounded with everything I
love so that I would be inspired to create all the time. I use the center island table in my studio
as my main work station. It took a lot of time to organize this space
and make every inch of this room functional. I never know what I'll
be in the mood for, so It was important to me to be able to set up the
work table for a day or so and then put everything away without too
much trouble.
What sort of tools/equipment do you use?
most important tools would be my hands. They really take a beating and
I wish I could insure them. Other than that, I use paintbrushes,
pencils, pliers, my gocco card printer, a sewing machine, my laptop,
and a 65lb wax melter for my candles. And, I just recently scored on a light table I found for $20 at a rummage sale!
What inspirations do you keep nearby?
I have notebooks full of pages from magazines
and projects and recipes I want to try. I keep little objects around,
like a jar full of japanese glass lanterns or a vintage mosaic lamp
that doesn't work, but looks cool.
My greatest inspiration comes from being outside in
my vegetable garden or planting flowers and tropicals around the house.
I love that I can open the french doors and enjoy the sounds of the
birds and the wind rustling in the trees. My dogs and cats love
hanging out outside my door, posing for their portraits or taking a nap
at my feet. Vintage is also a huge inspiration for me. It has so much more
soul that you just can't get with brand new stuff. My house is full
of collections I've acquired over the years and I love everyone of
them. Luckily, I'm not a pack rat so it doesn't get out of control. My motto is "keep the best, get rid of the rest."
What do you like to listen to/watch while creating?
I paint, I like to listen to music, but if I'm trying to figure out a
sewing pattern, I need total silence because it's all new to me, and I
will mess up. I like to listen to lots of different artists- Billy
Holiday, French and Brazilian music, reggae, Jack Johnson, etc.
How do you feel when you enter your handmade space?
space totally relaxes and invigorates me at the same time. I could
spend hours in here and not even notice the day has gone by. My
husband has brought me dinner or a glass of wine on several occasions. He's always been very understanding and supportive. He knows that
when I'm in the zone, I can't stop until it's done.
it's really lovely.
Posted by: cindy k | Jun 23, 2008 at 04:00 PM
Love the paiting you your creating room! Where did you get them? Everything is lovly!!!
Posted by: Miguel | Jun 23, 2008 at 06:38 PM
One of my faves on Etsy! Nice craft room! wow! Love the calming wall color!
Posted by: cloud9 design | Jun 23, 2008 at 07:29 PM
Miguel- I believe most of the paintings in the room are her own! You can find many in her shop- she's a talented lady! :)
Posted by: modish | Jun 23, 2008 at 07:39 PM
Beautiful space! I can see where her inspiration comes from. Great feature!
Posted by: Lauren | Jun 23, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Thanks so much Jena! You did an amazing job as usual. I love reading all your articles. Karin
Posted by: karin Grow | Jun 23, 2008 at 08:36 PM
What beautiful space! Fantastic feature!
Posted by: Paper Girl Productions | Jun 23, 2008 at 09:49 PM
Lovely! I want to put a pitch in for Karin's candles... IZ purchased one for Valentine's Day... and it was AMAZING. Really lovely scent!
Posted by: Wende | Jun 24, 2008 at 01:10 AM
This candle:
Holy cow, Jena... it's amazing. So, so, lovely.
Posted by: Wende | Jun 24, 2008 at 01:12 AM
I feel inspired just looking at that room! And I want to go shopping now... :)
Posted by: The Ardent Thread | Jun 24, 2008 at 09:31 PM